Saturday, April 21, 2012

Alternate Venue Excitement!

On account of scattered thunderstorms and severe wind warnings, we've decided to make a last-minute location change for the show.

The new place is only about a mile from our house, at 612 Piety.  It's called the Old Ironworks and it's going to be a lovely substitute for our backyard.  You can definitely walk there from the French Quarter (give yourself 25 minutes if you choose this route), or pedicab, or taxicab, or- if you've got some fairy dust- fly...

We'll be starting the ceremony just after 3, and playing there until 7.  After that, we'll head out to paint the town all sorts of colors. 

Holler at Nicole, Josh, or a local with questions!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Theme: Vintage Children's Books

We've been inspired by The Giving Tree, Where the Wild Things Are, James and the Giant Peach, Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Maybe Garden, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn...

We invite you to don attire inspired by your favorite children's book (or book of your childhood).  Some other ideas follow:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Googley eyes... antennas, wings... or come as a piece of food- the colors of a watermelon or a lollipop!)



Charlotte's Web
Aside from Alice, you could be, a rabbit with a pocketwatch, a wise caterpillar with a pipe, a wild hare, a mad hatter (I think my dad is going this route, but if you want to too, go right ahead; I’m sure no one will be madder than he)… You could be a Cheshire Cat, a card-person, a mock-turtle, the Queen or King of Hearts, Tweedledum or Tweedledee…

Consider adding ears or an animal snout to your ensemble!  Wings or a cape!  Anything colorful!  Of course, we want you to wear what makes you feel comfortable, so if that's a straight-up dress or slacks-and-shirt-combo, that is fantastic. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Registry and Logistics Pages Updated

Hey Ya'll!

Carnival season is here and that means, the party is starting!  And then- the party gets to CONTINUE!  With you!

We're getting so excited to have you in town in just a couple of months!  Thanks to everyone who has already visited our non-traditional registry document (see the link to the link on the right hand side of this page).  It is a dreamy pot-luck of a thing, a fact which brings both of us great joy.  Of course you are under no obligation to participate in this part of it.  We also would appreciate your dancing/singing/just being there as the best gift we could possibly ask for.

Keep checking back for more on logistics as the date approaches!
